Good Manners & Obedience

***Dogs of all ages are welcome in this course.  If your puppy is under one year of age,

this course will make him/her eligible for the AKC S.T.A.R. PUPPY PROGRAM.***

Companion Dog Course 1:

Begin learning the skills needed to:

  • Walking on leash- without pulling!
  • Sit, Down and Stand
  • Sit-stay and Down-stay
  • Come- when called
  • Safely socializing your dog with other people and their dogs
  • Counseling on behavior problems, including house-soiling, mouthing, chewing, digging and barking)

Required Equipment:

  • Training collar appropriate for your dog
  • 4 to 6 foot leash

For more information on training equipment contact Georgia.

Dogs will not be allowed to participate without instructor-approved equipment

TUITION FEE:  $195 for the 8-session course.  Fee includes access to online HDTC WORKBOOK

LOCATION:  Havenlea Dog Training Center  (Near I-75 between 326 & 27 – NW Ocala)


Companion Dog 1 Homework

Companion Dog Course 2:

This 8-WEEK is for graduates of the Companion Dog Course who wish to advance their training. The basic obedience exercises will be polished – with emphasis on distraction/distance training and developing off leash control. This is also a preparation class for the AKC Canine Good Citizen test, which will be given at HDTC during the final class. Competition Obedience/Rally exercises will also be introduced.

TUITION FEE:  $195 for the 8-session course

Click HERE to download the Companion Dog 2 form.

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